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CD-ROM Count: 6

There are some cool Hanson CD-ROMs/ECDs that have been released over the course of Hanson History. If you weren't a fan during the This Time Around era, you might not have seen some of these...

click to view a larger image click to view a larger image click to view a larger image Summer Playlist - Turkey (2000)

This promo compilation was released by Universal and Blue Jean magazine in 2000. The CD was promoted as a CD-ROM, which it is, but it also plays one audio track of a 'mix' of every song listed on the back cover. The "If Only" video is included in its entirety in the enhanced portion of the CD. Extremely rare CD here, especially considering it's from Turkey...

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click to view a larger image
Teen Mag Music 2000 Volume 1 (2000)

This ECD, or enhanced CD, was only available in the July 2000 issue of Teen magazine. (Hanson, if you remember, was on the cover of the June issue.) The enhanced content on this CD included information about Hanson.net, how to sign up for the ISP, Worlds.com 3D Chat Software, a Hanson "ID Frame" for your browser, and two exclusive videos: the This Time Around music video, and the ultra-rare This Time Around EPK video. Very cool.

FYI: Hanson and Worlds.com had a unique partnership in 2000; Worlds.com created an entire 3D chat called "Hanson World"; fans could download the software, create their own 3D characters, and 'chat' with other fans. Basic features were free, but you had to pay to have more advanced features. Hanson had their own characters that looked like them, and they had a couple of chats using the software which were quite popular.

Hanson World is still available to download at Worlds.com - click here for more information.

click to view a larger image click to view a larger image Hanson.net ECD (2000)

This ECD was sent to MOE members during the summer of 2000 to convince them to join Hanson.net, Hanson's brand new web site, fanclub, and, at the time, ISP service. The CD has a short message from Hanson explaining the main features of Hanson.net, plus there are several screens with written information about the site. Some highlights included:

*10mb of web space
*your own @hanson.net e-mail address
*the "Points" system to earn free Hanson stuff

...and more. At the end, you could watch the entire If Only video. If you signed up for a Hanson.net membership, you received a free Hanson hat.

click to view a larger image Hanson 3D Chat (2000)

Very rare 3" CD given out for free during the This Time Around tour. I'm not 100% sure of its contents, but I believe this CD has Worlds 3D Chat software on it.

click to view a larger image Hanson Anthology (2000? 2001?)

Quite rare Hanson CD-ROM that includes photos, lyrics, and mp3s of all of Hanson's major albums (MON-TTA) plus a few singles. No more information known at this time.

click to view a larger image Screensaver & Themes: Music - Germany (?)

CD-ROM of music screen savers & desktop themes from Germany. Not 100% sure how much Hanson content is on this CD-ROM, or when this was made.

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