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Site Updates Archive
February 2009

February 26, 2009

The Take The Walk book and EP have been added here and here!

I created a new page for EPs and moved some of the CDs from Compilations - All Hanson there. It makes more sense to have an EP section, I think. I also created a section in All Hanson - US books for "Official Books" and put the '97 official book and the TTW book there.

Of course, I have heard the news about Tinted Windows - it is very exciting! I will definitely buy the album when it comes out, and I plan to keep track of any official merchandise that they put out. I debated creating a section for TW merch here on Hanson Merchandise, but I decided that TW really needed their own separate site, so I created a subdomain called tintedwindows.hansonmerchandise.net. So please check there for the latest TW merch as it becomes available!

February 7, 2009

Hanson chocolates + the red MMMBop tote have been added to the OTHER - OFFICIAL section!

A Swedish WTL promo has been added to the WTL singles section.

February 5, 2009

A rare This Time Around promo from Argentina has been added to the TTA single section! Thanks, Lisa!

© 2007 Hansonmerchandise.net. This site was created as a resource for Hanson collectors and is in no way associated with Hanson, Hanson.net, 3CG Records, 10th Street Entertainment, or any record labels, publishers, or producers of Hanson merchandise as shown on this site. For additional copyright information, please click here.