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Finally It's Christmas

CD Count: 1

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"Hanson strikes again. No, not with a banger follow up to the hit everyone thinks of when they hear that name, but instead a sophomore Christmas album. Yes, I said sophomore because the group released their first Christmas album, Snowed In, in 1997 to rave reviews. Now, Finally It’s Christmas, was released two decades later on October 27. It is chock full of classics you already know and love, as well as an unexpected mashup and some delightful original songs you’ll be hurrying to add to your annual holiday playlist. Some may have thought it would be hard to create a worthy follow up to an album once labeled “The Best Christmas Album Ever” by Paste, but the brothers — Zac, Taylor and Isaac — have done just that. In fact, Finally It’s Christmas might be better than it’s predecessor. Yup, I said it." -- Hollywoodlife.com Review

In a similiar release pattern to Middle of Everywhere, Hanson released a long-anticipated Christmas album in the fall of 2017. This is Hanson's second Chritsmas album, the first, of course, being 1997's classic Snowed In. You can tell that Hanson had a lot of fun making this record, and the songs they chose to include here are a perfect mix of tradition and original/modern songs.

Retail CDs
Retail CD Count: 1

United States
Release Date: October 27, 2017

Standard US release, 14 tracks.

Standout tracks include "Joy to the Mountain", a mashup of "Joy to the World" and "Go Tell It On The Mountain," "Happy Christmas" featuring Hanson's children singing backup vocals, and "All I Want for Christmas," a cover of the famous Mariah Carey hit.

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